Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Nimiipuu/Nez Perce Donations

If you have a PayPal account and want to donate money to purchase gas and other supplies to support the Nimiipuu/Nez Perce in trying to keep people from gathering in a cultural sensitive area, here's the information. 

Updated 7/9/2020 @ 12:40 p.m. California time

Please note these funds do not go to support the tribe as a whole. I have strong reason to believe that the Circle of Elders and the Tribal Council did not have major concerns and did not support the efforts of the young folks.

Statement from Facebook by a member of the Nez Perce Tribe

This message was copied from Facebook without permission of the author at this time as he is on the land and cannot respond. I hope to reach out to him soon and obtain permission. Until then, I have removed his name for privacy concerns. The message is important.

************Begin Message **************

My name is XXXXX and I am a member of the Nez Perce Tribe. I am the one who gather the Nez Perce protectors together to try and stop this event from occuring against the wishes of my elders and my community. There are many sensitive and important resources within our traditional territory that are not found on our reservation itself which is why we must protect the area in our traditional territory as much as possible. We spend thousand of man hours and millions of dollars every year to protect and heal our environment and culture. This gathering is a direct danger to that culture and our identity. We can not survive without our cultural identity. The Nez Perce tribe was misrepresented at spring council and never gave any consent to this gathering like we have in the past in areas not so sensitive. The disrespect has been very damaging to my community, and further more this current pandemic has recently hit my community in a second wave and the entire community could have been exposed. This virus could have the potential to kill off all of the people in my tribe as we are only less than 2 thousand on and around the reservation. We are pleading that anyone planning to come or are on their way to the gathering to reconsider and take into context the real serious issue we are facing here in my community on all fronts. We are asked to bring our people to the site to help mitigate issues but that only further exposes our people to possible virus spread. We are concerned, we are scared, we are angry, but most of all we are hurt by the actions of this group on site and their presence in our country. I pray that we find peaceful resolution and the two communities do not become enemies when all is said and done. May love and peace be with you all.

Monday, June 29, 2020

Nimiipuu Protectors update on Rainbow warriors gathering June 28, 2020

This almost one hour long video was made by one of the Nimiipuu (Nez Perce) Protectors.

Please note that it's uploaded to a remote site due to space issues.  It is over 200 MB. 

If the link doesn't open in a media player in your browser, you can find the files at http://karinzirk.com/rainbow/not_idaho2020/Nimiipuu54.mp4

Saturday, June 27, 2020

Plunker's 2 Cents (Guest Post)

Today's Guest Post comes from Barry Plunker

***************Begin Guest Post*******************************

For the record: I am not in solidarity with event going on in idaho using rainbow name vibes...
Without a doubt Incident Command LEOs are all in on having an event... bottom line each LEO makes some 35 to 45 thousand a year for weeks work at such events... only I.C. command & these people are pushing this event...
Dang that this event is on Tribal traditional lands... Dang this event is of covid-deniers, etc... pose a potential danger to Tribal AND people of Idaho, other places...

This will/is being called "rainbow", by those attending, media, especially the cops, LEOs, Incident Command, etc...
It will make little difference but folks can write letters to News, media, Forest Service AND, especially letters to Nez Perce, etc...
Letters and prayers, good vibes...
These people attending this event actions have shown their words mean little... respect for others other than themselves is little, if any... certainly, it is likely their inter-actions will be the same.
Whatever the event, whatever these folks put out as their words will lack credibility with me. At times thru the years, individuals and/or groups have

sought to roll the Rainbow in their chosen direction. Some signed permits, cozed up to the Feds, started up events, called "rainbow" AND, after awhile showed their true selfs... people realized how ridiculous, even rude, and people continued on, with the people, along the Rainbow Road.
During the fire, Wyoming 1994, while people with common sense, concern for safety, health of the people rolled against the fire -- hundreds of people joined in the effort...amazing!
While people were engaged in the effort, Feds wanted people to stop, let fire rage, while waiting for a plane coming from Utah.. Some of people joined in with the feds... tried to help Feds stop fire-fighters ( not many) AND, there were "holy" guys who prayed.. a few offended that people did not stop passing water, throwing dirt etc... And simply join in their prayer to save the family... AND, even a couple of guys wanting to sacrifice themselves to the fire to save the family -- one was talked to, changed his mind -- other young guy, big stronge and certain God was commanding him to join the fire to put it out, to save the family (people) ..
Finally, I had to say to this young guy that I would not accept him doing this sacrifice AND, if necessary I would struggle with him and his god, and stop him.. I, with help of couple others got him to sit down, drink some water.. and, after a bit, fire was out, feds plane arrived, dropped load on people standing back from where fire was OUT!
Having an event calling people to come, be close, during a pandemic... Not just an epidemic.. is wacko!

I am in solidarity with Om from Home... Rainbow Gathering in heart & mind...
I am praying, vibing, as I have stated before, for safe, healthy event with good clean-up... If these eventers put out a Where for next year... I'd hope they go there...
Their words will mean little... If no one gets sick, dies, or is arrested ... good. It don't mean event should have happened, certainly not on Tribal traditional lands... Even their own raps are double-tongued... Dang!
Peace, Love Respect see you on the Rainbow Road... Beaplunkr

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Letter from Nez Perce to USFS

These are images of a letter that was sent by the Nez Perce Tribal Executive Council to the United States Forest Service. I know there are parts that are hard to read.   I will try to get a better copy.

Gathering location

The individuals who have chosen to go ahead and focalize a gathering during a pandemic have asked that the directions be word of mouth only. Therefore, I will not be sharing directions on this blog.

I do not yet have the exact wording of the consensus for the site, but that's what I've been told by those actively encouraging people to attend.

My personal belief is that not attending is the choice that makes the most sense. I'm hearing mixed reports on how people are managing social distancing or not as some individuals really pushing this gathering have stated they think sharing our germs will be helpful.

If you plan on attending a micro-gathering or what is being proposed for Idaho, please, please, please wear masks, practice social distancing, bring your own food and water, camp in household units spread apart from those not in your household, don't share joints or pipes, and do not go into town in the local community. Any built structures should be disinfected frequently.

For background information, click here.

Monday, June 22, 2020

2020 Spring Council Consensus

2020 Spring Council Consensus (unfinished Council)

We, as individuals, associating ourselves at Spring Council of the 49th annual Rainbow Family of Living Light in the Nez Perce National Forest on the day of June 15th 2020; so do with great respect and love, and in hope of unity, hereby agree through consensus to the following.

Day 3, June 15
1. Anyone that distributes this council's site selection must also distribute the entirety of this consensus, word for word. We encourage copy and paste, with no alterations.

2. We encourage those that want to stay at home and om to do so. Home is where your feet are. We encourage those that wish to come to be aware of your surroundings, and encourage personal space for those that need and ask for it. Those that hug should do so consensually.

With great respect; due to concern among our peers, and from among the local communities, and in acknowledgement of concerns voiced by the Nez Perce Tribe Executive Committee about safety regarding the possibility of heightened risk of any infectious exposures, through good counsel, and in the interest of all residents we may encounter while traveling; it is encouraged that any family attending the 2020 Rainbow Family of Living Light Gathering use all precautions such as social distancing on all routes to and from the Gathering location site. Out of great respect for the local native Nations it is recommended that attendees refrain from visiting any tribal reservations at the time.

Day 5, June 17
3. Brush your teeth!

Day 9, June 21
4. Wash your hands.
5. Life is sacred.

*** Update:
... ... June 22, 2020
The Council continues, and the vibe becomes more focused and coherent. We have Plan A, Plan B, and Plan C, and NO we are not leaking the sites to you.

IF YOU INTEND TO ATTEND THE GATHERING, prepare your things, move carefully and politely, and remain dispersed at a safe distance. STAY SHINY. Spring Council will announce soon enough. Be ready.”

****Note this last part  is from Day 11, June 23 *********

6. The 49th annual Rainbow Family of Living Light Gathering invites all folk with peaceful and positive minds, to join us in silence from dawn till noon on July 4th 2020, wherever they may be, whether in your own area, your own home, with us at the Gathering site, incarcerated, or elsewhere, and we honor those who wish to gather with us in the ... National Forest from July 1st to July 7th 2020, and to counsel our vision of World Peace through inner peace on the 7th Day.

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Carla's Two Cents (guest post)

Today's guest post comes from Carla

*************BEGIN GUEST POST******************

TL/DR: Read it anyway. I promise you won’t be sorry.

My guess is that 90% of the folks on this page are not very interested in internal family politics. Most gatherers just want to be told where the gathering is happening and how best to prepare for it in terms of climate, site conditions, nearby airports, etc. The internal process of how we get there is not such a big deal. But this year is different. Folks are arguing. Some folks say “Go!” Some folks say, “Wait!” So, how to make sense of it all?

Here’s my take on it, as someone who has been to 34 annual gatherings and participated in just about all aspects of the set-up and infrastructure at one time or another. There’s a lot that goes on to make the gathering happen; it’s not magic. There is a lot to be considered in order to have a safe and healthy gathering. And health and safety are the bottom line here.

I understand the “Go!” energy. Gatherings in the West are in stunning territory. There’s lots of open space. There’s lots of family in the West who have been looking forward to the gathering swinging back this way. I get that folks are hungry to gather. I am too. I want to be at the gathering so badly, I can almost taste it. And make no mistake: housies crave gatherings as much as traveling family do—maybe more. And make no mistake: traveling family are the backbone of the gatherings, and always have been. Most housies were travelers at one time or another. We just age out of the road and do something different. We all need to understand that about each other. And we need each other. So I don’t really see any split there. This affects us all, deeply.

It is heartbreaking that this illness has cast a shadow on the land, and that humanity’s best defense seems to be to remain apart socially and physically. I’m not going to argue the science here, or debate the actual numbers, or how much to trust or distrust any government; I’m not going to wonder how it was created, or who is making millions off it. That’s a whole other conversation.

Let’s just say I accept the virus as being real, and crazy contagious; that it causes great suffering; and that people are dying from it. I am not alone in that perspective.

So, coming from that place, many of us have been having conversations in many different formats about this year’s Annual Gathering. Because there are no standing committees that can make such a momentous decision for the whole family, many of us have been actively engaging as individuals in discouraging folks from calling large numbers of people together; and have been actively encouraging folks to find alternative ways to celebrate our prayer on July 4th.

This is because we absolutely believe that any gathering of any size carries too big a risk to the health and safety of those who are coming to gather, to the communities they come in contact along the way, and especially to the local folks in the area of the gathering. The initial call to postpone the annual gathering in Idaho until 2021 came from that desire; to protect the health and safety of all.

Well, that ship has sailed, and there are folks who, for whatever reason, believe that it is safe to gather and are actively promoting it. There are a few dozen people in Idaho who are looking for sites, and counciling, and fully intending to call their event the 49th Annual gathering.

There are other folks who are very upset about that, partly because there is a whole internal political argument about what is or is not a “legitimate” council and folks are obsessing about who gets to say where we go next year.

That is not my concern, and never has been. That will sort itself out with time, with a lot of arguing. We have a year to do that in. It is not critical to decide that now, because whatever happens in July this summer and next, folks will argue about it for a couple of years and then forget about it. People will go where they go next year, with or without agreement of council consensus.

I’ve seen splits like this before. We’ve survived them before, and we will survive them again to gather as we have always gathered; that is, assuming that Covid-19 is not still causing new spikes and the country is again on lockdown in 2021. We must not forget that is a very real possibility. We may end up having to reinvent some process, rather than being wedded to traditions that are unworkable in the present moment. But that is a discussion for another place and time, as well.

So, why am I writing this? Because I want folks to understand the underlying intent of the argument to wait. The bottom line is public health and safety. Nothing more, nothing less. Some might even say it is a matter of life and death. Yes, there are all sorts of weird family politics playing into the argument, but they are peripheral. What matters is the well-being of everyone.

Sure, some folks are choosing not to wait. I’m not going to get into the “choice” argument, because it is irrelevant. Of course folks have the right to choose anything they like.

But make no mistake: the fact that there are a few dozen folks making the choice to be in Idaho in a holding camp, counciling and scouting, does not change the underlying argument—which is that health and safety cannot be guaranteed when folks are traveling and gathering in large numbers; when they are cooking and eating and drumming and singing and smoking together.

So therefore, if you are undecided as to whether to go, to me the best argument is still “Wait!” Wait until more is known about risk reduction. Wait until more is known about rates of infection, and possible early treatments. Wait until safety can be assured, although that may always be a relative thing and its definition up for debate.

But realistically, some people won’t wait, and are not waiting; so it has become obvious that it’s time to start looking at harm reduction and risk mitigation. Not just for this gather, but for any get-together that folks might be considering to call or attend in the coming months.

And keep in mind, that the underlying intent has still not changed. It is still about health, safety, and the well-being of gatherers and others.

Here are some that seem obvious to me:

Best method: Keep all get-togethers as small as possible, with the least possible travel and the least possible use of public restrooms. Thus, it’s still, OM from Home. Find your local family pods and have a field trip or a picnic.

Second: Be aware that it becomes more difficult to maintain Covid safety when away from usual routines. Make sure you have plenty of hand sanitizer, disinfecting wipes, etc. Think ahead about sanitation needs in general.

Third: Be aware that the best way to not spread it is to wear a mask; and when appropriate to the task, gloves. Have plenty on hand for others, as well.

Fourth: Keep yourself informed about what’s going on in the area you are coming from, and the area you are going to, in terms of spikes in numbers; plan accordingly.

Fifth: If your local circle mushrooms and will take place over several days and is larger than, say a few dozen people, contact the local health department for latest recommendations, precautions, and closures.

Sixth: Have contingency plans in case someone does become ill. What is the best way to proceed if Covid-19 is suspected?

Finally, for those folks contemplating going to Idaho because they are unsure: consider that 99% of the kitchens and infrastructure have announced they will not be there. Sure, anyone can set up a kitchen, and no doubt folks will be cooking and eating, and some folks will be doing some regular gathering type stuff like OMing and singing and drumming and taking care of kids. The point is that if you are expecting the usual huge magical gathering, it won’t be there. Check out the OM from Home site to see which kitchens will NOT be there.

Continuing to urge folks not to go to Idaho to gather at this time does not mean I’m trying to sabotage what the folks in Idaho are doing. They are doing what they are doing. Their choice is a poor one, in my opinion, but that’s beside the point. I hope everyone there has a lovely, safe, healthy gathering. I just hope they keep it small. And I hope they use the hundreds of masks and gloves that are being sent up in a few days. And practice physical distancing. And are kind to one another. The rest of us? Manifesting an annual gathering? Waiting ... .

In the meantime, anyone wanna write a RAP C-19?

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Being Healthy Through Handwashing

One thing that goes a long way to keeping folks at a gathering healthy and safe is washing hands - a lot. And I don't mean just rubbing your hands with sanitizer, but actual biodegradable soap (Dr. Bronner's is great) and filtered or boiled water. Some awesome Rainbow engineers have designed a hand wash station that's transportable and light weight. One goal of a Rainbow hand wash station is to make it hands free, so no one picks up germs in the process of washing their hands. (A smaller setup of this same type can be used for soap dispensing).

Here's a great drawing of what I'll explain in words below. Thanks TimBear.

"From our experience, the primer bulb check valve can fail if the water gets trash in it. The solution we found was a small piece of filter material (like the filter from a wet vac) or fine mesh screening (a couple of layers of panty hose) around the end of the water intake. The pvc pipe allows you to direct the water where you want it, even if there is no tree where you want the water." - TimBear's words, not mine. What ever you do, make sure the grey water is at least 300 feet from creeks, rivers, and ponds and preferable somewhere where no one is walking. Dogs and people can get into the grey water and spread the germs all over the place and that's not healthy.

The key is a one-way siphon valve. It's made of rubber and can be squeezed by hand. Each end has a place to clamp hose onto. I usually get them at my local Marine supply store. Hook it up to some clear plastic tubing - one end to go into a bucket of filtered water. It looks like this:

The other end should be fastened somewhere (if not using TimBear's Pipe method) and hopefully have a drain system so people aren't standing around in gray water. To conserve water, get spare sun shower nozzles and put it on the end. These are $5-10 each from a camping supply store. They work great for the "faucet" end. Here is a photo of one.

Then to wash hands, all people need to do is pump the black siphon ball with their feet, and water comes out the shower nozzle. Portable hands free hand washing and kids love it!

Filtered water is best for hand washing. Providing an alcohol based hand sanitizer and/or a bleach wash as a final step is a great idea, but please label the ingredients so people can make informed decisions.

I also like to make a sink to minimize the amount of mucky grey water around the faucet. I've used a plastic bowl in a round tomato cage. Then drill a hole in the bottom and put in a connector so you can clamp a discharge pipe and run the waste water into a gray water pit. WARNING! HIPPIES CAN BE DUMB. Every time I use my sink setup, someone thinks we should recycle the gray water by putting it back into the fresh water container. THIS IS UNSANITARY AND IS WORSE THAN NOT WASHING YOUR HANDS AT ALL. So if you use a sink, please make a sign telling people that the drain DOES NOT go into the water source.

If someone(s) are looking for a great public service project for this year's gathering, here's a great one. Let's make sure we have enough hand washing stations scattered around the gathering so that people can't help but wash their hands at least twice a day. Every year I promise to make them at home and bring everything but the sink, but it doesn't seem to happen. Sure is easier at home with my tools.

Clean hands creates a healthy gathering.

Just a quick reminder, no soap in any surface water. Biodegradable soap only biodegrades in the soil.  All soapy water should be kept 300 feet from surface water like creeks, rivers, ponds and springs.  Don't be the dufuss who tries to wash your hands, clothes, hair, body in the creek. All you're doing is creating dirty water for the animals (2 and 4 legged) who drink the water.

Friday, June 19, 2020

Notes from a call with Health Department

Disclaimer I was not on this call and according to the information I received no one from at spring council was on the call.

***************Begin forwarded notes****************************

Tracing was brought up several times. Wanting on site contact person.
Call with Missoula environmental health dept. Their concerns: How to manage outbreak? How to isolate? Quarantine? How are symptoms identified?? How to lower risk of contagion? What are water and waste systems?

Missoula concern:

Ask that realization of global pandemic.

-hand consider impact on community

- consider impact on 'the gathering' as an entity

*close personal contact--

How to gather w/o personal contact???

*food service**????

6 foot service?

Missoula: Does have free testing For local residents.

Health officer Want there to have ability to be tested if concerned with symptoms.

Would need to negotiate?

'Mass system?' plan for Ronaboners to access???

With testing comes Expectations. -quaratine to results - isolate 2 weeks if positive.

Where to quaratine?

Missoula has facilities

What can health dept offer?? Support system for healthy gathering
How to make safer?
Tracer system!!!!!!!

An update from day 2 of spring council

These notes come to me from Mez Miranda with permission by the author

**************Begin notes************************

Spring Council Day 2

I wasn't on site until late afternoon. When I arrived I was briefed on what happened with the two people from the day before who were being violent. They woke up and and left the site the next morning. People felt compelled to to have talks on security. The circle lasted approximately 2 hours before they got rained out. There were more talking circles after that that were also rained out. When I arrived late afternoon there, we formed a circle and began to talk. There was discussion mostly about Shanti Sena and security situations. People were practicing social distancing more than the day before. The camp had been cleaned up, there was no trash on the ground anywhere. There was more of a cooperative feel happening and people were listening to one another. There was a general sense of a community and genuine concern for one another. There still hasn't been much talk of logistics. Later we received a report from someone who had spoken to the local LEO's and found out that supposedly ICT will be showing up 30 deep for day 3.
Attendance at approximately 35-45 including children

Sunday, June 14, 2020

An update from day one of spring council

These notes come to me from Mez Miranda with permission by the author

**************Begin notes************************

Report from spring counsel Day 1

I'm making this report because i feel compelled to be honest about the level of safety at the site. Besides violence, social distancing and sanitation is not a priority. I will have to quarantine all over again when I'm done here. The violence and aggression made me very uncomfortable and i felt genuinely scared for my own safety more than once.

The Family in attendance are generally kind, loving and beautiful people. There are approximately two dozen attendees. My guess is almost half have either never been to a gathering or have only attended one or two.

No progress has been made on any of the issues pertaining to site location or operating procedures.

Alcohol is being openly drunk in the circle by a few people, a couple of others were openly high on harder drugs, and admitted to intravenously using drugs right there.

Physical violence has already taken place, more than one incident, resulting in Shanti Sena situations, with LEO’s showing up, resulting in some folks leaving the site. Mostly women and people with children. The aggression and violence came from mostly just two men who were definitely under the influence. There weren't enough experienced Shanti Sena efforts to keep the rest of us safe, IMO.

The feather has not been respected in many situations, especially with children and women. Hopefully today will be different. Please send love and good intention to those of us here on the ground and for our Circle today. Thank you, Family.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Spring council update from individuals who have scouted many times

An announcement to all points of light and beyond, due to the unforeseen circumstances related to scouting for the 2020 Annual Rainbow Gathering and the Covid-19 pandemic. Individuals who have been entrusted by others historically to scout, and having scouted last fall and this spring for a suitable site in the Clearwater, Bitterroot, Nez Perce, Payette, Salmon- Challis, St. Joe, Coeur d'Alene, Priest Lake, Kaniksu, Caribou-Targhee, Snake River, Boise, or Sawtooth National Forests have agreed to postpone the spring council location release until June 2021.