Thursday, June 25, 2020

Gathering location

The individuals who have chosen to go ahead and focalize a gathering during a pandemic have asked that the directions be word of mouth only. Therefore, I will not be sharing directions on this blog.

I do not yet have the exact wording of the consensus for the site, but that's what I've been told by those actively encouraging people to attend.

My personal belief is that not attending is the choice that makes the most sense. I'm hearing mixed reports on how people are managing social distancing or not as some individuals really pushing this gathering have stated they think sharing our germs will be helpful.

If you plan on attending a micro-gathering or what is being proposed for Idaho, please, please, please wear masks, practice social distancing, bring your own food and water, camp in household units spread apart from those not in your household, don't share joints or pipes, and do not go into town in the local community. Any built structures should be disinfected frequently.

For background information, click here.

1 comment:

  1. I am more concerned with the violence from the protests bleeding into the gathering and then the forest service getting extreme.

    I go to pray for peace, and to absorb the healing spirit of the earth and people there. No room for full out anarchy at the gathering.
