Friday, October 9, 2020

Report of Additional Landscape Rehabilitation near Iron Phone Campground

 This is a report that was given to Nimiipuu People by individual gatherers who went to the site of the gathering near Iron Phone Campground in Idaho.



  1. Thanks so much for doing additional clean up! I hope this letter was done in the spirit of the grander un-organisation of Rainbow rather than a commentary of those that gathered. Cattle grazing was extensive in this area. I would be hard pressed to say 400-500 gathered. I would have guessed 300. With so few it seemed like little damage was done and those that stayed seemed like responsible people. There can always be more done. I just don't want to see continued angst among family. Healing is what we do!

  2. Thank you family for the follow up, and reporting on the status of the land lightly gathered. I was glad to hear the gatherers were diligent, and as always, family returned to do additional follow up clean up. I've read but not participated that additional follow up continues months and even years by family after each annual gathering site is used. Loving you!! Peace.
