Sunday, July 12, 2020

Processing our emotions

Every year at the gathering, I feel the universe is teaching me a new lesson. If I fail to embrace and learn the lesson, then it comes back to haunt me at another gathering.

I feel the same about this year. Not gathering taught me new lessons. I learned how strong our family really is, how we clung to each other when we didn't know what to do, how we created ways to discuss and listen to each other. I learned that using our hearts and our minds, we could manifest right action and focus on the needs of the human family instead of our own heart's breaking.

I saw the power of consensus by foot. The consensus to not gather was not made on the land, but it was made by foot and by those thousands of feet oming from home or in small clusters of people.

I saw the powerful emotions of my sister who truly believed praying for world peace on the land was the most important action she could take and who was willing to die to pray for peace on the land.

Even my own little July 4th movie was derailed by an all night conference call, lack of sleep, and the powerful energy that inhabited my being.

I've missed a lot of gatherings over the last 30+ years due to care giving challenges, graduate school, and trying to create a career for myself that I value.  Gathering isn't the only part of my life but during June and July, it is all consuming no matter if I am on the land or not.  No matter where I am, my heart is on the land and with my family. If I'm working I get nothing done. If I have local projects, they fall by the wayside. It's much easier to go to the gathering because non-gatherers understand going camping in the woods. What they often don't understand is that I am not paying much attention to my local community when I stay at home.

We are complex creatures and need to love and nourish ourselves.

I want to honor everyone who feels safe enough to express their emotions. We feel the way we feel and our feelings are not right or wrong, it's just the way we feel. I know many of us, myself included are working on processing these swirling emotions. I also know in my hearth that we understand each other best when we are sitting together on the land and can listen with our breath, our ears, our eyes, and our energy. I long for us to be together again and share with each other so we can heal as a community.

I know many one-on-one relationships will be damaged for a long time.  But, I got to "know" people I had barely met before by listening to their heart song on the phone or online.

New relationships have sprung up. Old ones have withered. This is the circle of the world. What decays provides nutrition for that which is growing. May all be relationships be processing and growing.


  1. Hello this is Osee Love Is Real I have not been a
    able to post on this site with a cell phone since early
    June so this is a test. At that time my last post advocating a gathering on the land was deleted. I did attend at Riggins Please respond by phone number 2084067492 I am fine with this number being on line and welcome calls trim all RFOLL family. Karin did you get m survey? Did you get my email? Are you blocking all posts from me?

  2. I have not deleted anyone's comments unless they were about sex websites.
