Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Conference Calls Alternating Nights

Image by Steve Buissinne from Pixabay
As part of many gathering participants response to COVID-19, there have been conference calls taking place alternating nights at 6 PM West Coast Time / 9 PM East Coast Time.

Discussions include to gather or not to gather, how to hold spring council, and other things as well.

If you want to be join, the next one takes place on May 6th and then every other night from there.

Dial 425-436-6350  access code 377587#.   This is a toll call if your dialing from a phone that charges by the minute.

************ Begin Notes from call on May 4th *************************

This is what some of the people said on the call – 5/4/20------Not all words were written down, so there may be some incomplete thoughts…..Oh, well.  And the speakers shall remain anonymous, but I felt it was important for the world to read what is discussed.  Written by Sibling.

I care/I want the best for all
Acknowledge all front line workers – DR, Nurses, Emergency
Pray for peace on the fourth
Read Karin Z. book- it is good
Please hold yourselves together, please do not fight on this call.
Say your piece and let others talk.
Share food, feed all the people locally.  Get out and help locally.
Cases are doubling in Haiti now.  Concerned. Impoverished peoples.
Step out of yourself, it is not about what “I want.”
Hurricane season is coming, and getting more intense. 16 predicted named storms.
All of you, world peace and healing – let us find it on this call.
Solidarity for all – we are family.  We can have opposition but we can find a foundation.
Shanti Sena Skill Share Info – Info Later…
I love you all. We are being productive!  I am not going, thanks for not going! 
RB is important in hard times. There are people who need our help. RB is designed to adapt.
Neighborhood gatherings this summer, RB is not where you go, you take it with you.
There is no good place to go right now. 
“I feel people are being told that they can’t gather.  I am confused. With someone thinking that they have the right to take this away.  What about the people that NEED family.  I thought RB was trying to save those ppl.”
Spreading disease to local communities takes the choice from others.
We do not have the right to tell others, we are individuals but, I am not going there to serve family because I do not think it is safe. I can’t personally agree to go.
It is hard to look at the bigger picture, it is how we will affect others. We could infect a whole community and cripple the healthcare system in a rural community.  Do we have a right to negatively affect the whole community?  Do we want to be perceived as people who look out for others wellbeing?  Take more time to look at the bigger impact.
I love every one of you and appreciate hearing your voices.
Any ideas of what to tell people on the road that may not have a place to go.
It is good to be controversial (differing opinions).  Those who scout concur that something different has to be different this year.  Travelling KIDS need a spot and should be talked about.
Everything that happens will be small – but there need to be nothing in the name of Rainbow.
We do need something for the travelling kids.  If no scouting people show up, nor kitchens what will it look like.
Hi, I am deaf, I have a small idea about being positive.  By taking turns on the fourth of July we can do it on the computer and do it through technology. Have everyone say HI.
I believe the virus is man-made, I believe in herbal meds…we can show big pharm we are not afraid and herbal medicine does work.
ADULTS PAUSED ___ The kids got to connect --- for a few mins ----HI, Hey!!  We LOVE YOU! 
Really stressed.  Happy to hear voices. Heart wrenching this year. 
Connecting with others, that is what it is all about, no matter where you are.
In favor of that the family decides, if this becomes the new norm, and there are lots of new virus, is this the end of rainbow?
Michigan is leveling off – I like the idea of thinking of what we can do for each other on the fourth – zoom things, conferencing on the fourth.  Weekly events are being set up now.
Weekly solidarity and mutual support check-in with local family.  Working well.  Gift exchange before the 4th – open on the fourth. 
Something should be done for the Kids who have no place to go.  The problem is that we can’t gather, maybe we can step the effort up to find places for people to go. 
I do not think there is anyone telling people what to do – we historically have made decisions on the land, but we have no healthy ways to do this. 
Tired of people thinking that people do not have the intellectual ability to gather. 
Concerns:  spreading virus across the country on the way to gathering.  What will happen if we spread virus and the communities have to shut down.
Supply chain in Idaho is seriously disrupted.  Idaho Public Health: Business owners reports that sanitation supplies are hard to find in Idaho.  Scouting, and Spring Council will be disrupted – it is unlikely they will have any mass gatherings in July. 
CDC protocols for serving food: PPE, face masks. Only one person allowed in for take out. It will be impossible to do main circle with these public health standards.
The gathering to me is about all age groups- kids, elders and all of us.  This year, we cannot all be there,  there are many reasons. 
We think about the other – the WE.
Going to Idaho could create a vector.  It could destroy our ability to ever gather again.
The legal battle – many of you have never dealt with the legal issues. Huge legal implications for years ahead, and insurmountable fines.
If I have to step back from gathering, I am willing. It is not about ME, it is about the OTHERS.
There are young people dying, we need more data.  We do not know anything about this virus right now.
This is the year to pause and focus – plug in locally.
WE have no plan.  There is no secret anything.  Nobody is trying to force anyone to do (or not do) anything.  People talk on the phone every 48 hours, open to all.
Here we are, this is a real situation.
Is our infrastructure able to handle this?
Risk assessment – we do not have the ability to deal with the virus. 
WE are in this together.  Extreme for pro and no – we are on the same team.
I wonder if we do not have a gathering, what are the other proposals? Counter proposals? I am getting a funny feeling sometime within the next 12 -18 months, and ppl may not be done with quarantine.  I want you to understand something, there is going to be a gathering. Whatever we do – gather on the internet, gather in our own towns.  If there are people thinking that there will not be a gathering, we are not all going to agree.
We need to know that there is going to be a gathering, and how can we stop that entirely.
How many people will show up, and what do we do about that?
Who is going to spring council?  Who is going to wear a mask? Who is going to block?
What happens when people show up to seed camp?  Are you all going to tell us what to do.
I do not know what the answer is, but I do think that 200-300 people show up. I am considering going to spring council, to see what it looks like.
I am uncomfortable with these phone calls.
Shelter-in-place early, SIP extended to July 6 in Oregon.  Driving in CA is limited to five miles.
I understand people do not have a place. 
Our right to gather is precious, but it is not the time to fight for it now. In a few months, we may need to be in the streets fighting for our rights – the pandemic is real and not traveling and staying put is necessary.
Nobody is trying to control anyone here. 
9,000 healthcare workers have died in the US.  What makes you feel we can take care of people in the woods.
Check your sources. 
Not as much to be afraid of, more scary things:  digital money, Trump will coopt, oh, my I could not keep up with all this speaker said – he is scared of other things.
We advise family to follow CDC guidelines.  Additional public statements: stand with solidarity with spring council on the land. We stand in solidarity with those who chose not to go to gathering.
Vaccinations: could be good, but they all had junk in them. I have a latex allergy and because of that, I am exempt from vaccinations.
More people on call tonight.  It has been good to have more people on call.
We are seeing extreme measures taken by our government. Our government does not always care about us.  Gallup is seeing extremes.  Whether it is for safety or not, we should never accept it.
We need to learn from our history, and it is upsetting.  There are lots of people that want to gather, there are lots of people that do not want to.
We have some issue, resentments – we have people scouting right now.
 We can create a one kitchen gathering, I have a big pot, and a grate. Those of us who want to gather, we need to get together, organize --- and have a gathering.
If you do not want to gather. Do not block those that want to.
There are people who are scouting.  We are looking for a scouting rendezvous date –
We are understaffed. We need to increase sanitary process. We need to mitigate the risk.
Make a consensus about scouting rendezvous.  I propose May 8.  Conference call for rendezvous. 
Future gatherings:  We need to plan for future gatherings. We need to understand the health and safety standards needed to overcome COVID – issues: shitters, main circle serving, etc.  I am not putting the effort into it because I can’t do it. I am not obligated to come during this dangerous time. 
I like when people speak from their hearts. I hear good ideas.  I’m in agreement with the folks that are choosing not to gather.  In my region, our discussions are about postponing because of the reality of what we are doing.  I have gathered in all types of regionals, and it is a privilege and an exertion of our rights. Not gathering in the large group is not really a big deal when it makes sense.  I hear the reasons why people want to gather, there are people going to be in Idaho, I hear people talk about gathering but I have not heard logistics. 
I will not be gathering and I do not think people gathering in Idaho should be using the name Rainbow.
Alternative things – visit private property, enhance skills, and use time to skill share and network.  If there are people who need a place to go,  come to the calls, the groups – there are places – people with property and there are places that need help. 
If you have needs, join the calls and find a place to go. 
I want you to be safe.  There are alternatives and you can find what you need. 
Shanti Sena – Interesting and productive.  https://shantisenaskillshare.blogspot.com
Thursday, May 7 – 9 PM (515) 604-9765  access code 146128#
I believe that they are understating the vector situation with COVID.  Interior air space may be a problem.
In the future, this raises the stakes on the Operating Plan. When a gathering happens, it will have to be ready, and it could create a vulnerable position from a First Amendment and public health standpoint.
We will learn from smaller gatherings.
This is the chance to learn something new.
Babylon has one was of doing things, we have always adapted as an alternative society.  We need to figure out how to do this.  I believe we have that ability.  I push the idea for everyone to step up, organize locally. 
We need to learn how to live a little apart from each other.
If we do it in a safe manner, who are we jeopardizing?  Is this real?  Can a society live together, in harmony, in nature? 
People out there are not following social distancing.
Educate the people on how we are going to control the gathering.  At welcome home.
Idaho is a bad mistake, it is the perfect chance for the Feds and state to rough us up, pull out the big stick and give us a black eye. 
We have to have an Operating Plan. 
We still do not have toilet paper.
Idaho Quarantine Requirements – everyone should make their own informed decisions.  Idaho – 14 day Quarantine in Idaho. Any symptoms no entry.  Localities have the right to enact stricter measures.  USFS restrictions. Supply disruptions. Town Meetings we have a history of bad town meetings. Report development.  Heightened response by locals. 
Our water system is at risk. An asymptomic person working the water line.
Would I bet my life on the system being safe? No
We have to face the fact that there are state orders may limit us.
I would not tell anyone how to think, but what I would hope for is that people would make informed decisions.
Can we gather safely?
I think everyone has valid points. Every bit of it is true.  The reality is that people will be gathering.  I do not know what will happen on the annual side, but what will the cops do. They are not going to be happy. 
I wish you much luck to all of you gathering in Idaho.
We do not have a clue what the cops will do.
Hoping and praying, I encourage people to gather local and gather small.
I hope we taught enough to have those people gather safely.
We do not need to cause wounds between people.  Folks have been warned why not to gather, we won’t be gathering. But don’t let it cause wounds between us.
Let us be in solidarity, let folks do what they will do.  Wish them well, and peace.
Our community just opened up today. 
I want to address family that wants to gather.  We know being on the road is hard. We want to help.
Anyone going to Seed Camp, be prepared for cold as hell.  And be prepared to bring your own food and enough water. Idaho last time, there was 1 foot of snow.
I love you all.
We all have the right to peaceable assemble however there are limits.  For instance, Supreme Court – if I shout fire in theater, as a joke, I can be held responsible for injuries.  I do not have the right to assemble when it cause harm to others.  Our actions have consequences.
Presented scenario for travel to gathering and getting contaminated along the way. 
Thinking about leaders, there are no leaders in rainbow, but – I do not think that is accurate. There are people that are looked to for their skills and experience. 
Everyone is a role model at rainbow.  Everyone else is looking at you, and they are deciding how to be and how not to be.  The groups acceptance of behavior makes it acceptable.
I would love to go, but I am not going. I wonder why people would want to go, and why would we think we are more clever or responsible than the like the – Olympics or the Jugallos – like we are different, like we could do better at keeping people safe.  I just don’t get it. 
Could you pick one of your friends to die.  It feels so irresponsible.
This is the 26 th call.
There are 33 people on this call!
Check-ins are the most responsible part of the call.  These calls are cool.
I want look forward to the gathering in 2021.
Largest logistics for mobilization is not happening. 
There are lots of things that are not happening, and are not being put into place.  Essential stuff like places to buy water lines, places to drop ship food, public health departments are not being contacted, County Sheriff is not being contacted, and more – logistics are not happening because the people who do these things are using science, logic and compassion – and stand in solidarity to postpone the gathering.
Scouting – rendezvous – if you haven’t got your boots on the ground, you do not have much to add – it is not usually for those who have not scouted. 
You gotta be a part of it to be a part of it.  (scouting)
Reaching out to local jurisdiction is key to scouting, and that is not happening because small groups cannot gather.
We are human, and Babylon –
High altitude --- it will be cold.
We feel it is too early to decide about anything.
Just because some kitchens aren’t coming, does not mean it is not a rainbow gathering.
To say people are not gathering, and to try to stop them, do not buy into the fear. Lots of people travel not because they are drug addicts nor drunks, they are free.
Focus on all the things that are beautiful and wonderful.
Can we use the same number on other nights.
Commentary on emotions:  Differentiate between fear and conscience ------fear and responsibility. Many people are coming from conscience and responsibility.
I stand in solidarity with family, I will watch and see – what happens is what happens.
I stand in solidarity with my family – whether that is small gatherings or zoom forums.
Concerned for those who do not have somewhere to go.
What can we do? How can we stay deeply in contact with them?
Loving you and hope you all are staying healthy.
Talking about alternatives to gatherings – completely different from gatherings.  Going camping that would take some heavy planning and responsible.  Micro gatherings. 
How can we safely camp with our friends.
This thing we call rainbow is decades old. We took the good and built on it.  We are not trying to tell people what to do. 
It is not ok to go in and hijack someone’s idea (referring to the originals who started Rainbow)– when you have people who come over and over every year with the goal serve the community, and hijack the idea. And maybe fuck it up and leave a mess which may ruin the reputation.
Go have your own good idea. It is like Edison stealing Teslas’ thing.
This is all of ours, and if not all of us can’t go then, fuck it nobody should go.  We need to remain inclusive .  We try to accommodate elders, children and if it is not safe for all then we should not do it.
The solidarity is a good way for people not to argue and call names.  The travelling through states is a concern.  Travelling is the most dangerous element.
We have to learn how to change our habits, and a year from now, we will know better how to deal with it. 
We do not know how to do it right, and we do not want to bring it into Idaho.  I just do not want to bring it to a vulnerable state.
Love you!
Thank You!
Von Swat to Vou! – good evening everybody!
Shout outs to a few brothers and sisters who have served our community
I heard bridge building and people listening to each other.
I am hearing a voice from someone who I have reached out to and encouraged to participate on this call, I am not hear a compromise. I am not hearing anything that is good for the community
I am not hearing any support for the idea of an Idaho gathering. I am only hearing one voice.
This is a free call. 
30 years of rainbow, I have grown up here and I have learned from people – I listen to you—I learn from you – I learned that they are not absolute, you need to think for yourself.
I have seem people try to launch themselves off the shoulders of those who have come

I have heard a lone voice. If you see something that has power and direction, like praying for peace, attempting to launch yourself off of the shoulders who have worked, strained, and sacrificed – it is a failed philosophy  and that person will not last.

I do not think this person will …

Hey family  -- in response, to the word hijacking – hijacking the ideas – that would be horrible to do that.

I am not opposed to people coming to council and blocking the gathering. I am fine with any outcome, my goal is to go through process and go to council. 

How are people going to scout and go to Spring Council when it is necessary to quarantine for 14 days?  How will people do this without breaking the law?
Absolutely insane to insist people go to Spring Council to block a gathering.  Anyone going to Idaho may need to break the law to get there.
Who is hijacking? 
The one outspoken person wants us to believe it is a hoax, they want us to go to put our lives at risk and our family at risk, and they want us to put the local community at risk. 

The issue of fear – I am a chicken little, I was screaming about lockdown. I know about pandemics, as the data shows – it could be a world changing event. It will destroy our healthcare system. We do not have dead in the street. We do not know what is going to happen in a day, or a week.  In Idaho, all developed stuff is closed. However, let us think of that maybe, the Leos will not have the budget. 

Spring council – feet on the ground is what matters.  You can stop operating on a fear based mindset. 
The call is not about making decisions.  The conference call is not about reaching consensus.
The solidarity statement is not about telling others what to do.  The solidarity statement went out because folks needed to know that something may happen, and that there were people that were talking about not going because they did not feel it would be safe.
The juggalos had postponed, and so many other events but without a warning shot (solidarity statement) folks were hearing nothing.
I want to avoid having our name ruined. I apologize for doing what I have done.
I live in Idaho, I will follow consensus.  I am passionate and want to see…
I do not like the personal attacks.
I am not trying to push my agendas.  I apologize for using the word hijack on the internet.
We are a family of difference. We all come together for the prayer.  I love you all.
I appreciate you all.
It is my turn!  Yeah!
I have a huge ego, thanks for feeding my ego.

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