Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Thanksgiving Council (TC) Notes

Hello all, these are notes that were shared with me about what took place at thanksgiving council (TC).

***************Begin forwarded notes******************************

Giving  Thanks  Council  was  Swell

Rainbow Family Gathering began and CONTINUES through the efforts of individuals.  This continues to evolve primarily thru the use of councils.

Although, care should be taken to avoid changes that adversely affect our family.  It would be a shame to in adversely drive a successful and long standing Family Assembly into extinction.

The 2019 Thanksgiving discussed, at length, the changes that have taken place in the past as well as changes that continue at this time.

These councils have worked in the past and should be able to continue to serve the family in the future.  Changes come thru Tribal Council held in Main Circle.
Main (aka Tribal) Council meets daily in Main Meadow; use to be after Work Council, otherwise at NOON daily.

We direct the following to Tribal Council/counsel


Its Magic Hat crews’, (“banking council”) responsibility and mission to collect $ money in order for the Gathering people, to have enough $$ for operating costs.
Instead of collecting Resources for the People participating (Actively Assembling) they have become    the “Dominant Society bankers”; Cutting off CALM Funds because they did NOT Feed Main Circle! wtf?

We, tgc, would like to point out That It Is Not for ‘bank’ to DECIDE where or how HAT $ is Spent or not spent!

TGC / Giving Thanks Council: Requests Tribal Counsel to address the issue of changing the date of TGC and changes in general, of anything that effects the whole, the reputation, our ability to retain the peacefulness, health, safety, spirituality, and the safty&joy of the Children.

Are We and the Gathering becoming, simply, a mirror image of the dominant society?

Sent inn
In order to change Processes Beneficially you have to understand and be familiar with the intricacies   of that which you desire to change.

The issue could very well be; are the changes to be made a fixer upper or a Re-Invention of this Particular Wheel?

There are plenty of places that could use fixes, that is change but, we need to keep in mind, changes should be ImprovementS.

We have wagons in need of fixes or changes as their wheels are broken. But, if the idea or intent is to Re-Create the wheel?  Well, those Fixers need to go and create their wheel elsewhere!

Thanksgiving Council 2019 in consideration of 2020 Rainbow Family Gathering.

We have a legal notice we wish to post to the public but, decided to send it to an attorney.

It will be posted when it is returned.

In the alternative:  We’ve asked an attorney to draft a notice of rights.

It will  be  posted as soon  as can  be.

The use of the term “Rainbow Family Gathering” should not, in this instant, be construed to mean anything other than; Folks coming together in the style of a “Rainbow Gathering”.-_-=?       

Do you know that mimicry is the highest form of flattery?

"We are an assembly of equal individuals-No body of individuals should have to form or structure themselves in a prescribed or dictated manner in order to exercise, collectively, rights held individually, be they god given natural rights or rights reserved in, and memorialized by the Constitution of the United States-"

No one can speak for or sign for an assembly of equal individuals
Everybody can speak for one, though!


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